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Finding peace and joy in your Steel Mace Practice

Finding peace and joy in your Steel Mace Practice

If you’ve made your way into the steel mace training world you might have already noticed how much of it there is. It continues to grow every year and with its continued growth comes beauty and chaos. Today I would like to share with you how to find peace and joy in...

Steel Mace Training after Pregnancy 101

Steel Mace Training after Pregnancy 101

When I first started Steel Mace Training the coaches and influencers I looked up to were mostly men. It wasn’t till I started to dig deeper that I realized I wasn't the only woman picking up a Steel Mace. Through my searches online and my Steel Mace Warrior Podcast I...

Steel Mace 360 Regressions for Beginners

Steel Mace 360 Regressions for Beginners

Today I will be sharing 4 Steel Mace Regressions that will help you out if you are just getting started with Steel Mace 360 swings. We all start somewhere to build ourselves up, now press play below and check them out.

Onnit Steel Maces

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