Steel Mace Workout – Strong Not Skinny

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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Ready for another great full body steel mace workout? Here we go! Do the following exercises, rounds and reps to become gada strong.

5 Rounds of the following (as shown in the video above):

  • Reverse Lunge with Knee Kick and Cross Chop – 10/10*
  • Barbarian Squats – 10
  • Push Ups – 5
  • Cross Leg Crunches – 10/10*

***Whenever you see 0/0 = Left/Right. For example, above I ask you to do 10/10 which means give me 10 reps on left and right side. Always work both sides with mace where indicated.

You may use a 10LB or 15LB mace depending on your skills and fitness level. If you want to know more about that please check out this blog post about “What Steel Mace Weight you should use”.

And if you don’t have a standard steel mace buy one from ONNIT or SET FOR SET.


May the universe always flow with you,

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