Steel Mace Workout for Abs / Core

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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Steel Mace Workout for Abs / Core

Posted on 2/26/2018

Victoria Islas
Fitness Enthusiast / Unconventional Certified Personal Trainer
Today i am releasing a great steel mace workout to strengthen your core for overall training and to give you nice looking abs. I named this one HARD-CORE METAL because if you do it right, that’s about what you will be feeling. As always links to videos are provided below to show you how to do these individual steel mace exercises. Enjoy!


“HARD-CORE METAL” Steel Mace Workout

6 Sets of the following:

  • Kayak – 60 SEC.
  • Elbow Plank – 60 SEC.
  • Overhead Sit Up – 30 SEC.
  • Bayonet Strike Squat – 30 SEC.

Resources to go along with the workout:

May the universe flow with you always,

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  1. Richard

    thanks in advance!


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  1. Richard

    thanks in advance!


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