Does Steel Mace Diameter or “Thickness” Matter?

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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I created a YouTube video around 3 years ago about an interesting question that came up during my own journey which was “Does Steel Mace Diameter or “Thickness” Matter when it comes to our steel mace fitness sessions?

I wanted to tap into and recycle this really great question in case you were wondering the same thing or in case you missed this wonderful educational moment.

In the video I go over the types of steel maces I am referencing and studies that we can use to better understand if “thickness of the handle” actually matters when we train. Watch it below:

Links to the studies and references mentioned within the video:

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  1. Rik Brown

    Terrific video Coach Victoria! Very helpful for those who are deciding which type of mace to get next.


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