The Steel Mace Fundamentals Workout (For Beginners)

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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Today we are going to get down with a Steel Mace Fundamentals Workout. If you’ve never used a Steel Mace but want to learn the basics and get a burn at the same time this workout is for you! A great beginners workout. Now let’s look at what we got for today.

The Workout

What you will need: 

You will need a 10LB Onnit or Set for Set Steel Mace.


  • Even Press 5/5
  • Lap Squat 10/10
  • Ballistic Curls 10
  • Lap Forward Lunge 5/5

Sets/Rounds: 5


Perform each exercise as prescribed above for 5 rounds/sets. Make sure you work both right and left sides where indicated. TIP: Add tension to your Steel Mace for more muscle activation and greater results.

Here’s how to do each Steel Mace exercise

1 Even Press

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with an over-over hand placement on your Steel Mace and position your mace at chest level. Creating a “W” with your arms and keeping an even distance on both ends of the mace.
  • Press the steel mace weight straight up overhead.
  • Return to chest level and repeat. Make sure to work both left and right side.

2 Lap Squat

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with an under-over hand placement on your Steel Mace.
  • Bend at your knees and hips to lower into a squat. Keeping the mace in a straight Horizontal position above your belly or mid body.
  • Return to standing and repeat. Make sure to work both left and right side.

3 Ballistic Curls

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with an under-over hand placement on your Steel Mace. 
  • Start at a cross body bottom position and then curl the mace in a circular motion to the other side. Keep the mace close to your body and practice this slowly at first!

4 Lap Forward Lunge

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with an under-over hand placement on your Steel Mace. 
  • Begin this exercise by taking a big step forward, planting your foot firmly to the ground. The mace head weight goes out with this lead leg. 
  • Bend both knees, creating 90 degree angles. Do not let the back leg hit the ground, you will disengage and hurt your knee this way!
  • Lift back from the lead leg and return to standing, repeat. Make sure to work both left and right side.

Knowing you enjoyed this workout! I invite you to check out THE DAILY WARRIOR for steel mace programs and more workouts such as this one!

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