If there is anything positive about COVID-19 is how much social distancing has started an online revolution for us all. In a few days, our ever growing steel mace community will be having our very first online mace festival! I know that when I first heard about it I was blown away and excited BUT I also had some questions. Those questions were answered by event creators – Scott Wong and Rik Brown AKA Mr.Maceman through this blog article interview. Two very notorious names in the competition/traditional mace style arena. Now the question is – will you be joining us online? It doesn’t matter who you are! We want you there with a Steel Mace in hand.
Keep reading below to check out Scott Wong’s Interview with me and to get Rik Brown’s thoughts on the event! IF you want you can skip it all and read the summary of the most important details for this event just scroll all the way down the page.
Victoria Islas: What Inspired you to come up with this event?
Scott Wong:
It all started when Rik sent me a message on Facebook, to check up, share some Mace News, and just chit-chat! Rik and I are both Cali kids, so our counties have a stricter shelter-in-place/self-quarantine policy.
We were looking forward to the nearby future when we could take a trip to reunite, get back together and swing some steel. Then I thought, “hey, why not “meet” over Facetime/video Chat to swing a mace together?”,
From there, it got me really thinking: “Wait a second, instead of just Rik and I, why not have a virtual meet-up with our friends and family within the mace community?!”
Rik and I hashed out some details, pieced a rough draft together, and decided to make this dream a reality!
Being confined is taxing both mentally and emotionally; this event will allow us to be
United, even if we are far.
Strong, even if we are feeling weak.
Confident, even if we are knocked down.
Victoria Islas: How is this all going down exactly? Are there any technical requirements that we should know about or consider when going online for the mace fest?
Scott Wong:
There is currently a Facebook Event page:
as well as a ZOOM link to the event:
(Meeting ID: 421 778 6805)
Those attending will click on the Zoom link to access the conference call to join in on the fun!
Some technical requirements to access the event:
Have a Computer/Laptop, iPad/Tablet, or smartphone:
The device should have a webcam/front facing camera and mic.
All you have to do is either install the Zoom app on your device/computer, log in to the link, and join in on the fun! (note: I set the mic to be muted upon entry. Don’t forget to unmute it if you wanna chat!)
Victoria Islas: How long will the event be?
Scott Wong:
Our “planned” itinerary will be something like this:
6:00PM PDT:
Start the Festival/Zoom Link.
6:00PM-6:30? 7:00?PM:
Social Hour: Introductions, greetings, gym/trainer shout-outs.
Rik had the BRILLIANT idea for participants to represent their favorite gym/trainer during this shutdown by wearing a thread that represents their favorite facility.
This act will show some solidarity with this COVID-19 global shutdown (especially within the fitness industry)
6:30PM-8:00PM? (basically after Social Hour):
Swing the Mace, in unison!
Help out newcomers if they need assistance.
This time will be an expression of our own mace practices, whether flow is your jam, hardstyle, competition, etc.!
We’re all here to be unified by the Mace, become the Mace.
What I envision is everyone swinging a 360 at the same time, in unison, in harmony.
No drama, just a good ole “Happy Hour” for all to enjoy!
Victoria Islas : What are you expecting the outcome to be from the mace fest?
How many people do you imagine coming together online?
Scott Wong:
I honestly feel like Wayne in Wayne’s World 2 when he sees Jim Morrison: “If you book them, they will come.” I think getting passionate people together given these circumstances is a BIG win.
As far as number of folks attending:
We created the event on Saturday, (4/11).
It’s only been 3 days, but we have 34 CONFIRMED and 43 INTERESTED!!!
There might be unaccounted folks coming by via Instagram, so I’m excited to see the total headcount!
My Zoom account allows for a total of 100 heads, so let’s see if we can max that number out!!!
Victoria Islas: Any recommendations or tips for first time swingers joining and attending the mace fest?
Scott Wong:
Have fun! Learn, refine, evolve.This event is a judgement free zone.We all started somewhere.
We’re here to vibe off each other, get better, stay empowered, and just have a good ole time!
As far as technique/tips go: start light, don’t rush into it. Invest in an online course, or reach out to a certified mace trainer.Heck, you could even send me a DM (@trainingthewongway on IG), I’d be more than happy to guide you through the process to get you ready for Saturday.
We’re all in this to win this, I just want everyone to come through!
Victoria Islas: How has COVID-19 affected you? And what are your thoughts on all the gyms closed down at the moment?
Scott Wong:
The first week, I treated the shutdown like a “vacation”: pigging out, staying up late to play Video Games, catching up on Netflix… Basically, I went back to my sedentary High School/College habits.It was BAD!
After a few days, the lack of exercise, lack of sunlight, lack of routine really threw me off: I was getting anxious, felt depressed, unmotivated, etc. I HAD to move around. Movement is medicine, even if it’s articulating the joints, or taking my doggos out for a longer walk/jog; doesn’t have to be complex, just has to work.
It’s very unfortunate that gyms have had to suspend their business during this crisis.
If the gym members/clients are going through what I was going through (which I think is/was the majority of us), I’m sure boredom and lack of movement is really messing with a lot of folks’ wellbeing.
Again, removing that crucial component out of somebody’s life: whether it’s a work de-stresser, an endorphin release, a time to fraternize/chum with their community, is a huge loss.
I’ve been trying to just check up on my folks, but the uncertainty with COVID-19 is definitely a huge factor in the mental and emotional health of all of us.
Victoria Islas: Finally, do you think we will be seeing more online mace events like this? And how do you feel being the first mace fest online? I feel like you are starting a revolution!
Scott Wong:
Most definitely! I think the sky’s the limit as far as connecting people from all over the globe.I’m hoping more and more folks can expand on this idea, refine it, and make it even greater than this first iteration!
As far as being the “first mace fest online”, just giving a shout-out to, I wanna say, Zsolt Galba from Hungary? Back in early September 2018, I believe he posted a “Global Mace Flash Mob” on Facebook to try and achieve a global effort to accrue 100,000+ swings collectively.
I wanna say he was the catalyst as far as global online mace festivities. Just taking that idea, and expanding upon it! #maceunity , right?
Revolution? Too kind!
Let’s call it a 360! XD
I was thinking everyone could wear the shirt of a gym that has shut down due to COVID-19. This is a chance for everyone to check-in and say “Hey, hang in there, we will get through this, and keep swinging the mace.”
Who can attend? Anyone who loves mace!
When? April 25th, 2020 @ 6PM PDT
Where? Online via ZOOM – Download the app here.
Link to join via ZOOM – https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4217786805
Meeting ID (in case you need it – think this is optional) – 421 778 6805
Technical Requirements to Join:
- Have a Computer/Laptop, iPad/Tablet, or smartphone.
- The device should have a webcam/front facing camera and mic.
- All you have to do is either install the Zoom app on your device/computer, log in to the link, and join in on the fun.
Make sure to wear your gym t-shirt and to turn on audio if you want to chit chat with everyone else. You can also turn off audio and video if you just wanna watch and join the online meeting room.
And lastly, here is a Steel Mace Nation Podcast episode with both Wong and Brown discussing the event with Fred Mohr: