EP #12 – Life through Movement and Exploring the Gray Areas with Kelly Manzone

Aug 2, 2018 | Podcast

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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Life through Movement and Exploring the Gray Areas with Kelly Manzone

Posted on 8/2/2018 | Listening or Watching Time 50:45

Victoria Islas

CPT / Certified Steel Mace Coach

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MkZ8_B4T4rM" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

ABOUT EPISODE #12 with Kelly Mazone
Life through Movement and Exploring the Gray Areas

Join me as i talk to the second WOMAN WARRIOR on the Steel Mace Warrior podcast named Kelly Manzone. She is a Wife, Mother, Fitness Professional and Unconventional Athlete that will be sharing her experience in kettlebell, mace and mobility.

Specifically we talk about her story with coming back strong from a Colitis condition, exploring the fitness world rather than to stay black and white with training,how you can swing a mace better with stick mobility prep and so so much more. Can’t wait for you to give it a listen, IT’S A MUST. Plus Kelly is kind, highly knowledgeable and plain out cute buff. Don’t miss out.

Where to Find Kelly Manzone and information about upcoming workshops:

Find out more about Stick Mobility:

Stronger Grip / Ryan J Pitts:



Thank you to the Patrons over at Patreon for supporting this podcast and making it possible. Please join the warrior tribe at https://www.patreon.com/steelmacewarrior


May the universe always flow with you,

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