EP #14 – Feeling the Effects and Moving Numbers of the Mace with NewBreed MaceBell

Aug 16, 2018 | Podcast

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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Feeling the Effects and Moving Numbers of the Mace

Posted on 8/16/2018 | Listening or Watching Time 47:06

Victoria Islas

CPT / Certified Steel Mace Coach

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Finally a duo episode on the Steel Mace Warrior Podcast! We have Lily Orozco and Daniel Ramsay from NewBreed MaceBell. We talk about their individual stories, how they met and came together to start the NewBreed headquarters and programming. Let’s just say they delivered! Don’t miss these two inspirational coaches on episode 14.

Learn more about NewBreed MaceBell on:


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