Steel Mace Workout to improve your 360

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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Steel Mace Workout to improve your 360

Posted on 4/3/2018

Victoria Islas

Fitness Enthusiast / Unconventional Certified Personal Trainer

Here is another great workout for you and this time i am going into the 360. I see so many people struggle with the 360 when they first begin and honestly i don’t recommend you begin with the 360 right away if you are just entering the world of Steel Mace (just for safety). Work your way up to the move, trust me I’ve been there and even after an entire year i am still trying to perfect the move with full focus, zen and without injuries. I compiled a nice workout you can do on a daily basis to work your way up to the 360 and for those that are already swinging it this workout will most likely improve it!


“B4 the 360” Steel Mace Workout

4 Sets / 8 Reps of the following:

  • Pendulum / Each Side
  • Metronome/ Each Side
  • Pull Overs
  • Halos / Each Side
  • Front Swings / Each Side


Resources to go along with the workout: Coming Soon.

May the universe always flow with you,

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