Primal Flow Wooden Mace Review by Steel Mace Warrior [Video + Blog]

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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Primal Flow Wooden Mace Review by Steel Mace Warrior

Posted on 8/2/2019 

Article by | Victoria Islas

Certified Steel Mace Coach / Personal Trainer


I am back with another Steel Mace Review, but guess what? It’s not a “steel” mace we are talking about today. I am going to introduce you to the PRIMAL FLOW WOODEN MACE. 


The mace is mace is light and will help you acquire skills before attempting advanced movements. 

As a coach, I would like to assess you and make sure that you don’t get injured in the process of trying something like a “360” or “10 to 2”. Although I do believe you can use a 7LB or 10LB mace safely!  I myself, would still have you use this mace in a private session with me. 

This wooden mace is also great to acquire the skills or foundational movements without overloading the body. Great for people with prior injuries but still want to experience the mace and It’s great for beginners in general.

This mace was made by a physical therapist named Dr. Joey Cadena and can be used for therapy purposes.

I am not an expert in the “physical therapy” realm and if you have some deep questions you have regarding this topic I would recommend you listen to the podcast I have with Joey, buy his Primal Flow Foundation 2nd Edition E-book, or even visit him in person for a session over at Physiosports Institute. But yes, you can use this to heal!

It’s just fucking beautifully made and crafted.

One thing I love about Primal Flow Movement is that they are on a mission to help! This is a little snippet from their website:

“Through our partnership and connections with the Tarahumara Tribe, we will be able to produce one-of-a-kind, handcrafted Primal Flow Training Maces that are of the highest quality. These beautifully designed artisan maces will soon ship all over the world, so stay tuned!”

You can read the entire mission statement here:



A little sticky

Not really anything bad to say about the wooden mace other than it’s a little sticky from the gloss. But it does not ruin the experience of mace training especially since it’s meant to be more “therapeutic” in a sense. 


SUMMARY – 10 Start + Infinity Rating! APPROVED.

Overall, the primal flow wooden mace feels light, beautiful, almost airy in a sense. It have great vibes when it arrives and the people behind the product are love centered and I couldn’t feel more blessed to own the wooden mace. Big shout out to Primal Flow Movement!


Here are the links I promised in the video review:

Find out more about the wooden mace or purchase one here:

Follow Primal Flow Movement on Instagram:

And listen to the latest podcast episode with Dr. Joey Cadena here:

May the universe always flow with you,


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