Viking Strength Foundations with Coach Vaughn
Posted on 6/15/2018 | Listening or Watching Time 53:16

Victoria Islas
CPT / Certified Steel Mace Coach
Let’s get our Viking Strength Foundations down! In this episode i talk with Coach Vaughn from the Viking Valhalla Training Center in Palmdale, CA. Also known as Coach Vaughn on YouTube with over 3000 subscribers and anywhere between 7-9 K views on most of his Steel Mace videos, why wouldn’t i have him on? He rocks educating people online and i wanted to personally learn more about him and what he is up to. We talk about the synergy between the Steel Mace and Kettle bells, his awesome e-book named Gada Swing (which is available right now, link below), working out bare foot and much more! Don’t miss this one, your gonna love it.
Resources mentioned within the Podcast:
Dr. Mark Cheng’s Prehab-Rehab:
You can find Coach Vaughn at:
Website https://www.coachvaughn.net/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwzr…
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/VikingValhal…
Learn more or buy his E-book here: https://www.coachvaughn.net/programs/…
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May the universe always flow with you,
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