SMW 30 Day Steel Mace Program out now!

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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Last week I released the FREE STEEL MACE BASICS GUIDE for you. This week I am making the big annoucement on the first SMW Steel Mace Program!  I am pumped to release it on January 1st, 2020. With the new year right around the corner I know a lot of you are going to need something to get you started on the right track with your fitness and nutrition! What better way than to use the Steel Mace to accomplish those goals you might have.

The program includes 30 days of Steel Mace and Mobility, a calender, check-in sheet, Nutrition Plan/ Guide (because what you eat will ultimately help you get better results from my program), video library and much more bonuses inside.

The program will be $19 for pre-orders until January 2nd,2020. Don’t miss out on the deal, it goes up to $29 after the 2nd. That’s like .63 cents per day. No excuses for the greatest change in your life!

Now you ready to give me and your Steel Mace 30 days of your time? Pre-order by clicking here.


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