Steel Mace Instagram Games and Wallpapers

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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I just unleashed some fun on Instagram @steelmacewarrior! If you head over to my highlights you will find NEW Instagram STORY game templates along with some really awesome wallpapers for your mobile phone.

I hope this brings some enjoyment into your life. I am always thinking of ways to give to our small steel mace community!

Make sure to tag @steelmacewarrior, that way I can give you a shout out and others can jump in and play as well.

If you don’t know how to play – no worries! Did you really think I was gonna release these without a “how-to” video? I was confused when I first started playing Instagram Story Games and downloading wallpapers. Fear no more! WATCH THE VIDEO HERE – It’s less than 1 minute long.

May the universe always flow with you,

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