Steel Mace from a Distance – Tabata Workout

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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I am excited to announce “Steel Mace from a Distance”. Every Friday I will be posting a workout you can do from home. FOR FREE. Check out this Tabata Style Steel Mace Workout you can try today!

This is how it works. You are going to set a timer. There are great apps out there! The one I use is called WOD Timer and it’s free in the app store. If you have android, look for something similar.

You are going to do 4 rounds of the following:

  • Squat to Press
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Plank Shoulder Taps

You will work out for :30 seconds and then rest for :30 seconds for each exercise. Once you are done with all three exercises you will go at it for another round and another round until you complete 4!

If you want ACCESS TO THE FOLLOW ALONG videos instead of this short version. Please sign up for my Weekly Workout Mailing List Here. It’s free and you will get much more instructionals.

May the universe always flow with you,

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