Life is an Art with Pawel Widuto – BONUS

Jun 30, 2018 | Podcast

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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Life is an Art with Pawel Widuto

Posted on 6/30/2018 | Listening or Watching Time 42:56

Victoria Islas

CPT / Certified Steel Mace Coach

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Join me as i talk with Pawel Widuto, Head Coach of House of Tengu and Co-Founder of Art of Functional Movement. In this episode you will learn more about Pawel and we talk about seeing the mace as one piece of the puzzle & his thoughts on it’s main benefits, we also talk about the Art of Functional Movement elements (water, fire, air and earth) and how everything in life is an art (hint: even your mace). Make sure to give this episode a listen IF you are a true warrior!

Learn more about Pawel Widuto at:

Buy Pawel Widuto’s book “The Journey of a Poet” at:

Learn more about AFM at:


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May the universe always flow with you,

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