Podcast Episode # 6 – Flow Expression & Diving Deeper with Leo Savage

May 15, 2018 | Podcast

Written by Coach Victoria Islas
ISSA Master Trainer / Founder of SMW

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Flow Expression & Diving Deeper with Leo Savage

Posted on 5/15/2018 | Listening or Watching Time 55:35

Victoria Islas

CPT / Certified Steel Mace Coach

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<iframe src="https://anchor.fm/steelmacewarrior/embed/episodes/Flow-Expression--Diving-Deeper-with-Leo-Savage-e1gd5u" height="102px" width="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
In Episode #6 we will be chatting with the one and only Leo Savage. In my opinion the guy who is creating an impact in Flow Style Steel Mace Training. Join us as we talk about flow as an expression and diving deeper with the Steel Mace.

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Note: I mention this episode as #7 within the podcast but it’s actually #6. Sorry for the confusion! If any at all.

Visit Leo Savage at:

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May the universe always flow with you,


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  1. Eli

    Great interview with Leo U.

    Thanks for what you putting our community together.

    • User Avatar

      I am so glad you enjoyed it! The Leo episode was amazing and i too enjoyed it!


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  1. Eli

    Great interview with Leo U.

    Thanks for what you putting our community together.

    • User Avatar

      I am so glad you enjoyed it! The Leo episode was amazing and i too enjoyed it!


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