Steel Mace Warrior - Coach Victoria Islas

Written by | Victoria Islas | ISSA MT, ISSA CHC, B.Msc.

How to properly pick up your Steel Mace

Jan 12, 2020


When we first get into Steel Mace Training there are a few basics or foundations we need to know. Today I will be discussing how to properly pick up your Steel Mace. It’s something we can all practice on a daily basis – whether we are beginners or advanced athletes. I am passing it on to others for one reason: Safety. Any great Steel Mace Trainer / Coach will always choose safety and injury prevention for clients. Proper technique begins from the time you touch the Steel Mace – in this case picking it up and putting it into the position necessary. 


Just like any other fitness tool there are many reasons why we start each and every exercise with intention. Here is a list of why picking up your mace with intention matters:

1. You will discipline yourself to correct steel mace technique at every phase of your exercise or workout including the starting phase. Starting right will make it more likely to end right.

2. Following proper technique will encourage others to do so as well! In a world where we are just getting ahead and growing, we need to be a great and safe example! People are always watching and learning from one another. Might as well do it right!

3. And finally, the number one reason we all want to learn correct technique: you will keep your body safe and injury-free.




This first steel mace starting position is as basic as its gonna get! But you’d be surprised how many people who are just getting started miss to pick it up in this super simple manner.

Steel Mace Lateral Lift - Picking Up Your Steel Mace
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1. First, set the steel mace next to you.

2. Then, bend your knees slightly. Slide your hand down, near the mace head.

3. Start to lift the steel mace head off the floor in a nice straight line next to you. Done!

Note: Whatever side you choose, you will use. For example, if you set it on your right side, it will lift up with your right hand and on your right side. This applies to all starting positions in this article.




This starting position will get you ready for any Steel Mace exercise you will commence in Horizontal Middle. 

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1. First, set the steel mace next to you.

2. Then, bend over while bending your knees slightly. This will almost look like a quarter squat.

3. Grab your mace from below the mace head and mid-way on the handle.

4. Lift off slowly and with Control. End in Horizontal Middle.

Note: Try your best to always look forward when lifting your steel mace. This will allow you to stay nice and centered throughout the entire movement. This applies to all starting positions in this article.




This starting position will get you ready for any Steel Mace exercise you will commence in Vertical Middle AKA Warrior Stance (Steel Mace Flow).

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1. First, set the steel mace next to you.

2. Then, bend over while bending your knees slightly. This will almost look like a quarter squat.

3. Grab your mace from below the mace head and then with the opposite hand at the end of the handle. If you are a beginner you can start mid-way (this is called choking the mace – will keep you safe).

4. Lift off slowly and with control. Grip tightly at the end of the movement and end in Vertical Middle.



Own the basics, focus and keep in control. Practice these starting positions religiously! I know I do and it’s made me better at everything else I do with the Steel Mace. Make sure to share this article with your friends and family if you think they would enjoy training with a Steel Mace. 


May the universe always flow with you,

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